Mid-Week Motivation: Fall – A Season of Change

Mother Nature isn’t the only one changing things up a bit. But instead of changing our colors, or the weather, Prosperity Consulting has added a new face to the team. Join us in welcoming Jen Hundley, the new Project Manager. To get the full scoop click on the photo below to read this week’s motivational ...Read More »

MidWeek Motivation – Path to Prosperity

Path to Prosperity? Follow the Yellow Brick Road! Follow the Yellow Brick Road! Follow Follow, Follow…. Read Now

REAP Countdown – 14 Days

Read How To Apply

3/20/13 Midweek Motivation

How many times have you been faced with a touchy issue in your family, business or corporate life? Talking about succession planning for business, particularly small businesses and family-owned concerns, is one of the most important planning efforts any company can undertake. This prickly issue is often pushed under the rug until it becomes an ...Read More »

March Newsletter

Process. What is the meaning of this word? We use the word to describe the act of creating or building something. We use the word sometimes in a derogatory way saying, “Well, it’s a process going through that or working with them…”. But what does the word “process” indicate? For me and the Prosperity team, ...Read More »

BioMass Magazine: USDA Repowering Assistance Program: Underutilized Pot of Gold? (April 25, 2012)

USDA Repowering Assistance Program: Underutilized Pot of Gold? Even biorefinery-focused programs can offer funding for biomass projects By Sarah Beth Aubrey | April 25, 2012  http://biomassmagazine.com/articles/6300/usda-repowering-assistance-program-underutilized-pot-of-gold Grant writers for agriculture and renewable energy projects are often very popular at cocktail parties. Perhaps not the type of parties with ball gowns and tuxedos, but certainly at ...Read More »

Sarah Beth Aubrey’s Books Now Digitally Available (July 9, 2012)

Author Sarah Beth Aubrey’s non-fiction books Starting & Running Your Own Small Farm Business and The Profitable Hobby Farm, How to Build a Sustainable Local Foods Business are now digitally available. Aubrey’s how-to books on small farm entrepreneurship blend strategy, marketing, and money management to build and maintain a successful small farm and local foods ...Read More »

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT: Northeast SARE Research and Education Grant

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY SYNOPSIS Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) is seeking pre-proposals for research, education, and on-farm demonstration projects. The emphasis is on outcome-based projects offering research, education, and demonstration projects that benefit farmers and explore new sustainable farm practices. Projects should be directed toward research results that will translate quickly into farmer benefit, ...Read More »

Sarah Aubrey Guest on 25x’25 Blog (June 6, 2012)

Sarah Aubrey, Principal of Prosperity Ag & Energy Resources appeared as a guest on the 25x’25 blog this morning. Thank you 25x’25 and Brent Bailey for inviting Sarah to share her comments.

Prosperity Welcomes New Summer Intern, Sarah Thomas (May 10, 2012)

Sarah Thomas has joined the Prosperity Ag and Energy Resources team as a summer intern on May 7, 2012. Working full-time with Prosperity through August, Thomas will gain experience in the workplace by interacting with live clients, implementing social media messaging, writing Prosperity’s blog, and working to help owner Sarah Aubrey launch a new eBook. ...Read More »